Un Chien Andalou by Luis Buñuel


After watching the Film during our class last August 28, I was shocked about what I have watched about this movie. Most Specially the Slicing of the eye scene, I used to ask myself, what do you think the meaning of slicing the eye? The scenes like the ants appear crawling out of a hand of a man, a woman’s mouth disappears, a man’s mouth is covered in hair, and books change into guns. Buñuel always wanted to shock the audience in watching the movie. I think in every scene there is a logical sequence of cause and effect.

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I think the film talks about the desire to increase our comprehension and ability to access the film through interpretation. As the film is made by a surrealist, psychoanalysis comes to an interpretative method. Yet interpretation is ultimately pointless. The most effective manner in which to appreciate the film is to allow the images to seduce, to watch with your eyes and emotions and not to seek an explanation. Buñuel used symbolism to create deeper meanings. They used symbols that are to express the deep truths, natural truths, of the unconscious.

Honestly, I cannot watch the movie that really serious because of the Rat inside our classroom that’s why I cannot watch the movie that good because my attention is on the Rat, and let me look at back from time to time 🙂