A national conference by the American Studies Association of the Philippines with the support of the Cultural Affairs Office of the Embassy of the United States of America and in partnership with the Department of International Studies and the Department of Communication of Far Eastern University – Manila
November 16, 2013 FEU UCC AB Ground Floor

We attended the seminar last November 16 at FEU UCC this is about a various things about multimedia, animation and digital arts and a lots of stuff! 🙂
Now, these are shorter texts that I have written during the seminar taking down some notes.I think this seminar helped me a lot because I want to lean toward making new arguments and testing some ideas out in relating to our course. The 2 hours of the seminar really made me feel so satisfied because the knowledge of the speakers shared to us is very fulfilling and full of new ideas and gaining information.
Mr. Joel Chua is the First Speaker, He is a Fine Arts graduate at UP Diliman and He is a painter and a Multimedia Artist
– sight + sound + interaction
– both words and pictures
– non verbal expressions
– contextualizes the text and the image
– matching related text and images
– too much. too much only because the brain can handle so much
– it narrates pictures
Ms. Ayeen Pineda is the Second Speaker, She is a Comm Org Gradute at DLSU, a animator, a voice actor and the founder of TULDOK PRODUCTIONS
– Move and Alive
– Giving Life
– Making it Believable
Why Animation?
– people engaged in multimedia
– information that is necessary
– it can be fun
Maam Pineda shows this video from Dumbs ways to die video that this is a good example of a good and simple animation.

1. Displays simpler and less cluttered
2. images move vivid and engaging
3. can provide additional information that cannot be display in pictures
4. Helps build mental models of situation
-storytelling, visual communication, emotional, observation and sensory aspects,
concentration, problem solving aspects
MOTION GRAPHICS – graphic design that can be put into motion
Mrs. Grace Dimaranan is the last speaker that talks about the Local Animation Industry and Digital Features
Digital Literary
– access to information has changed
– people need to be transliterate in order to be involved to contribute to the society
– trends
– technology is evolving rapidly
– ability to read, write and interact through social networks and digitals
– able to negotiate across multiple media
– wider analysis of reading writing and interacting in different platforms
– being transformed into other platform
Have the instincts, if you feel and see that it’s related to your being as a student, your abilities and skills then grab it 🙂
Thank you! 🙂

Auteur Theory




This theory is usually did not literally write scripts but to managed to his or her personalityy on studio products. And this theory explains that a director can use the commercial apparatus of film making in the same way that a writer uses a pen and It is a medium for the personal artistic expression of the director.  And it is a way of  choosing the factor of an artistic creation as a standard of reference, and then assuming that it continues and even progresses from one film to other.


American Directors considered “Auteurs”

Howard Hawks

Otto Preminger

Samuel Fuller

Vincente Minnelli

NIcholas Ray

Alfred Hitchcock

Robert Aldritch

Fritz Lang



Jean Renoir

Roberto Rossellini

Kenji Mizoguchi

Max Ophuls

Jean Cocteau

Ethnic Theory


Race, Ethnicity and Culture

Ethnicity can be defined as, relating to or of a culture or racial group. It is not specific to any one color or nationality, and by itself cannot cause harm, but when you enter a region that is ethnically diverse tensions begin to rise. (Websters Dictionary)


This theory explains that individuals have several important similarities and influence behaviors in various ways so as to differentiate them as members of their group from members of other ethnic groups, and it is a given society that may differ for several reasons because all of us have different society.

Spectatorship Theory


This Theory tells us on what we want to do in discussing in the nature of a viewer is not at how viewers respond to a film statistically and scientifically, but instead at how the viewer is involved, and engaged in the viewing experience.


Dutoit Quoted that “Those who will watch the film have, in a sense, already been created by it. That’s how the camera looks at us: it imposes on our looking an identity already invented for us.”

Performance Theory



 Performance Theory is a interdisciplinary drawing from theories of the performing arts, this is just a effect between a performer and an audience that identify cause and effect principles that explain what occurs when any given system is used to accomplish a task through performance. 

Gender Studies



Gender studies talks about how to contribute greatly to our understanding of the social and cultural world in our society and studying the complex issues in our country like LGBT of this field that has many key insights to other people.  That positively affect our society and the awareness through learning and through this awareness to avoid discrimination.



Feminist Theory



This theory is concerned with equality of women but in turn it stands for equality in general. And talks about for equal rights where both male and female roles are equal and unified. These are issues that range from equal opportunity to freedom. In turn this theory looks into the social roles that women perform in the society, and will continue to change until the equality is attained. And talks about the humanities and social sciences and the full range of feminist political.