French Impressionism and Surrealism

ImageFrench impressionism talks about the inward and inner drama through narrative form film. French films are also known for their links with art. Many believe that France is the birthplace of cinema because it is where film was invented.  In this topic psychological moods and exploration serves as the basis of the film makers. It also experimented with rhythmic editing to suggest the experience as a character feels it through his or her feelings. Generally, the comparison about the film or cinema is to encourage the impressionists to explore the rhythmic editing through subjective shooting and editing patterns to reinforce the narrative treatment of psychological means.

This French impressionism style never really had any sort of theory to it. Most of the directors of this type of film believe that it is unattainable and all you can do is theorize about theories, reach for but never actually reach. This type of film was about the directors trying to explore how people perceive reality more than the actual reality. Which simply meant that a film cannot be created by just the director, camera, or whoever is working the camera. It takes everyone to effectively produce a film but the poetry of the film.

magritte_what_is_surrealism_1934While Surrealism talks about the exclusive of the film and not all to the viewers or public. Because they are trying to achieve the total liberation of the mind and of all that resembles it through innovative and varied ideas. Surrealism deeply influenced the world in the era between the two world wars and played a big role in the diffusion and adoption of psychology.

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